Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Confucius Say

* I was looking at the Big 10 teams in the bowl games. I think is the year the Big 10 is vindicated. I am going out on a limb & saying the Big 10 will be 6-1 in the bowls this year. The matchups:
The U vs. Wisconsin (U favored by 3.5 - I'm picking the Badgers)
Minnesota vs. Iowa State (UM favored by 2.5 - Gophers to win)
Northwestern vs. Auburn (UA favored by 7 - Auburn will win)
Penn State vs. LSU (PSU will drop the SEC)
Mich State vs. Texas Tech (Tech favored by 8, MSU in an upset)
OSU vs. Oregon (Oregon by 3.5, Buckeyes get the monkey off the back)
Iowa vs. Georgia Tech (Tech by 4, another upset)

You heard it hear, the Big 10 will be 6-1.

* Vazquez to the Yankees. Are you kidding me? The rich get richer. Vazquez only trails Randy Johnson in active pitchers with strikeouts....and he goes to a team with Sabathia, Pettite, and all of the other great players. This is ridiculous. This sport is not fair anymore. You have a bunch of poor boys playing all star teams.

* Look at the major league payrolls this past year:
The top 5: Yanks ($201 million - not a typo), Mets $149, Cubs $135, Red Sox $122 (yes the Yankees spent $80 million more than the Red Sox), Tigers $115
The bottom 5: Marlins $37 (yes the Yankess spent 5.5 times the Marlins), Padres $44, Pirates $60, As $62, Rays $63.
Ohio Teams: Indians $82, Reds $74
Just not right.

* The Big 10 hoops teams have started well. Look at Northwestern at 10-1. I expect the Big 10 to be a bloodbath this year with much balance. The champion may have 5 losses this year.

* I can't wait for the matchup of the year - Texas vs. Kansas in hoops. Both teams look strong.

* Tiger's arrogance gets me. How did he not think this would eventually come to light?

* Favre - please just play.

I ran across this great Confucius quote:
"To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right."

In summary - it starts with YOU! Not your neighbor, not your boss, not your kids, not your friends. If you want the world to be a better starts with YOU!


Monday, November 23, 2009

Get To vs. Got To

Find all of the "Random Thoughts" online at:

* I recently attended an awesome session presented by a friend of mine (Dr. Gary Schwantz). His point was living life as a "Get to" vs. a "Got to". Think of how you use those different phrases. When you are excited to do something it might be common to say...."I get to watch the Buckeyes on Saturday". On the contrary, when you are going to do something that you aren't as passionate about, you might say...."I've got to go to work". His advice was to create a life of "get to".

* His point was summarized in 5 key bullets (hopefully you will find something in here that speaks to you):
1) Do it on purpose - deciding today is the day I notice. If we want to savor life, we have to notice it.
2) Notice the moment - Be in the moment.
3) Celebrate & have some fun - it creates a healthier you.
4) Be grateful - blessing are gifts, not entitlements.
5) Take Time - make time for those things that are important.

* Ohio State owns michigan - 6 straight, 7 out of the last 8. I can hardly remember the Cooper era. It wasn't that long ago the shoe was on the other foot....michigan owned Ohio State. As hard as it is for me to see michigan beating OSU next year, there were a lot of positive signs for the wolverines. That offense moved the ball.....but turnovers doomed them. Just think if they didn't turn the ball over....we might have had to throw a pass or 2 in the second half.

* Bring on the Ducks. I'm convinced we are going to play Oregon in the Grand-daddy of the all...the Rose Bowl. They have looked good everytime that I have seen them. Fast, shifty & they run the spread. It will be a great test for the Buckeyes. Of course the Bucks will be dogs.

* As funny as this sounds - I think the Buckeyes are in the exact same position they would have been had they won all of their games. Just think, there is absolutely no way the voters would have put OSU in the title game. With all of the other undefeated teams, OSU would have been #3 at best. Given that, they would have went to the Rose Bowl. Interesting but most likely true. The Purdue loss & the USC loss meant nothing to the bowl picture.

* Hard to believe the next OSU football game will be January 1st....such a long time. My how time flies. Now it's time to enjoy some OSU hoops. Hopefully they can give us something to cheer for.

* Remember, no matter how bad your fantasy football team is doing, for most leagues it only matters how you do in weeks 14, 15 & 16. You can be 9-2 right now, get the #1 seed in the playoffs & get knocked out by the lowest seed just because they have some no name bust out in week #14. Don't get cocky now. Just make the playoffs.

* There's something wrong with Lady GaGa. Every performance I have seen her do is disturbing. She can't be all there.

* Thanksgiving is a great time of the year. Challenge for the family dinner table have everyone go around & say 1 or 2 things they are thankful for. You may be surprised how cool this turns out.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It's michigan Week

* Yes - we are spoiled as Buckeye fans. We've now won the Big 10 for five years in a row. Yet we still gripe about the coach. Well we could be michigan. They have 1 win in the Big 10....yes ONE. They have to beat the Buckeyes to go to a bowl. We are going to a BCS bowl....AGAIN. michigan is desparate to go to A bowl...any bowl. We need to enjoy it.

* This game will be closer than expected. Yes, michigan's defense is porous (full of holes). But we play Tressel ball in Columbus. Senator Tressel has been known to pull out a trick or two against the team up north. But, when the smoke clears, he still plays it close to his sweater vest. I expect a 20-13 win.

* This game has much more excitement when michigan is good. Does it bother me that michigan is bad.....nope. Penn State is becoming a pretty good rival.

* Why in the heck would a team like the Bengals be considering signing Larry Johnson? It seems the Bengals are just putting their problems behind them & now they are inviting another in? Baffles me.

* I had a pretty strong feeling the Allen Iverson signing would go bad for Memphis. It did. He's not a strong team player unless he's starting & taking the majority of a team's shots. If he's not...he's not a good option for a team....especially a young team like the Grizzlies.

* The new Death Cab for Cutie single "Meet Me on the Equinox" sounds just like a RUSH song. Eerie.

* Brady Quinn was 13-31 last night. That's 42% if you're counting. Not good for an NFL QB. The 2 picks while not directly his fault because they went off receiver's hands, were not great passes - both were off target (behind & high).

* Hang in the Brown's fans, Charlie Weis will be available soon. They've tried all of the other Belichick disciples (Crennel, Mangini & even Belichick himself). Weis has got to be next.

* We are going to see how good the OSU basketball team is very soon. On Thursday they tip-off against the National Champion North Carolina Tar Heels. I like the Buckeye team this year. They are long and athletic. David Lighty's return will be a big boost.

* Speaking of the Buckeyes - just think if they didn't have all of the big guns pull the one & done. This year's team would have Oden, Conley, Cook, Koufas & Mullens in the mix. One can dream.

* The pro careers have really worked for Koufas & Mullens. Last I saw Mullens was in street clothes. Not exactly what he was hoping for I'm sure. But, if you can't play for OSU (which he didn't very well), how are you going to play in the NBA? Don't understand the logic sometimes. Who is helping these kids?

* Remind me why the SEC is such a great football conference again. I'm looking at the Top 25 & there are exactly 3 SEC teams in it. The Mountain West conference has 3 teams in the Top 25. In fact, there are 3 other conferences with 4 or more (Pac 10 - 5, Big 10 - 4, ACC - 4). The SEC is very top heavy. The PAC 10 looks like the best conference this year.

* It's hoop season again - the mighty Otterbein College Cardinals women's team kicks off this Friday in Adrian, Michigan. I can't wait (I help coach there if you didn't know). I'm looking forward to the season. We have a lot of depth this year. We got tougher & deeper. I think it's gonna be a good thing. Time will tell.....

* Go Bucks....beat michigan....beat em bad.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Yanks & Other Thoughts

* Wasn't a tough call - but I did predict the Yankees would win the series. (definitely not a tough call - they only spent a gazillion dollars to put that all star team on the field.

* I am not a fan of the Yankees. Never have been....never will. I'm totally against the idea of spending as much money as they do. The playing field is not level for all teams. If the Yankees want a player - they go buy him. Simple. Am I a little bitter because the best pitchers on the field were former Indians? - you bet I am.

* I'm waking up after watching the Yankees dominate again & swearing that I'm done with baseball.

* I do like Derek Jeter - I think he plays the game the right way. And he is actually someone that came through the Yankees farm system.

On to other topics:
* Why is it that when a defensive player grabs the facemask it's a 15 yard personal foul.....but when the offensive player stiff-arms & grabs the facemask & torques a guy's head, it's ok? Don't quite understand that one.

* Why is it that 99% of the time it's defensive pass interference? I'd say many times the offense is the one causing the problems....yet it's always the defense that's punished.

* Why is it acceptable to substitute at every position in football with the exception of quarterback? Derek Anderson is playing horrendous at QB & you can't give Brady Quinn a couple of series without it being a huge deal? Terrel Pryor is struggling at Purdue & you can't give a series to Joe Bauserman? Maybe TP would have settled down....maybe JB would have got hot & gave the Buckeyes a shot in the arm. Coaches are stubborn.

* Why are 4-way stop signs so difficult? I go through a few each & every day....I'm amazed at how much more time they take because no one is assertive enough to go.

* As Hollywood as the signing is....Shaq is not the answer in Cleveland. The Cavs are still too reliant on LeBron in the 4th quarter to take every shot. Shaq might be able to guard a couple guys a little better than Z....but I honestly don't see him making much difference offensively. The Celtics (if they stay healthy....and that's a big if given that most of their team is pretty old by NBA standards) are the team to beat in the East. Adding Rasheed Wallace was the best most they could have made. Now they are big & can substitute for Garnett without loosing a beat.

* As good as I feel about the Vikings going in to the bye week....those Saints scare the heck out of me. That offense is as good as it gets. They are shredding defenses at will. Drew Brees is in rhythm.

* I lost a lot of respect for Urban Myer. The initial suspension of Spikes for the eye gouging incident was a complete joke. It wasn't until the media cried foul that they extended it to a game. Come-on a man & stand for something.

* As hard as this is for me to say - I expect the Nittany Lions to beat the Buckeyes on Saturday. That Buckeye offense is still not functioning. The defense can't continue to carry all of the weight. Daryll Clark is pretty good. Kind of interesting that OSU's starting QB is from PA while PSU's starting QB is from O-H-I-O (Youngstown).

* LSU at Alabama is the only other good game this weekend. I expect Bama to roll tide at home.

* If you haven't joined Linked-In ( , I highly recommend it. As the old saying goes, "it's not what you know, but who you know" that counts. This website is a terrific method of increasing your network. It's sort of like Facebook....but with a professional slant. The website is a great resource to use when you need help or advice. Give it a try.

Monday, October 5, 2009


* Can you possibly hype a game more than the Brett Favre saga about to play out? I'm a huge Viking fan....but I'm tired. Can we just play football? I can't wait for this to be all over. I'm ecstatic Favre is a Viking. I think we have a great chance to make some noise this year. But, I just want to be a fan. Let's talk about something else can we?

* The roughing the passer penalties on the Ravens vs. the Pats was atrocious. Those 2 roughing penalites directly resulted in 14 points for the Pats. Not right.

* There is definitely no respect for the Buckeyes. They win handily and get jumped by Cincinnati. Until they win a big game, the Bucks will go no higher than 5 despite what they do the rest of the way. We will get another shot at redemption....expect the Rose Bowl rematch with USC.

* Imagine playing 162 games and it all comes down to 1 baseball game. Imagine being a player & thinking about all of the opportunities you were given throughout the year to win just 1 more game. Could you have focused a little more, ran a little harder, studied the scout chart, warmed up, etc... just a little more to make that one play to create one more win?

* Magical couple of days in Minnesota. The Twins play their last regular season game in the Metrodome, the Vikes are home in the Brett Favre battle, and the 1 game playoff tomorrow night. Fun town.

* The Saints have been ridiculous on offense. They have scored 144 points in 4 games. That is 20 more points than the 2nd best offense - get this....the 2nd highest scoring team is the Baltimore Ravens. Are you kidding me? I thought they only played defense in that city.

* The Broncos have only given up 26 points in 4 games. That's less than 7 per game. It helps that they played the Browns.

* Braylon Edwards is a solid citizen.

* The Indians only lost 97 games. Shrew...I thought they were gonna lose 100. Why fire the manager with only 6 games left? Silly.

* Below is a parenting tip that I recently read & liked.

Parenting Tips – The Importance of Respect and Guidance
This will bring us to our next parenting tip which is guidance. Kids will learn what they live. If we disrespect our kids, they will disrespect us and others. A common way we as parents disrespect our children is by letting them get away with being disrespectful to us.

For example, I say to my four year old son Johnny, “It’s time for bed, hurry off now.” His response is, “NO” and I laugh and say, “How cute.” I have disrespected him. In other words, I didn’t care about his need for guidance. If we walked into someone’s house and smoked after they have expressed their desire for not smoking in their house, I would be showing disrespect for the needs of the home owner. If we laugh at our kids when they are disrespectful to us (which they will be at times) or don’t correct them, we show disrespect for their needs. Children need guidance. But unless our guidance stems from love, it will come off as nothing but orders: “I am parent and you are a nothing child, do as I say!”

As a parent, we owe it to our kids to guide them into being respectful children. Otherwise they will grow to be disrespectful to all authority.

  • Guidance takes time and love -- lots of time and lots of love. Never, ever give up.
If children know beyond a doubt that they are loved, special, and important to their parents, and are learning respect for others, they are well on their way to a healthy happy future. But the key is to be persistent and realize that this bundle of joy came into this world with a number of great needs that we can meet if we realize the demands of parenting and love them all the way through their growing up stages.

Friday, September 25, 2009

For Best Results

* I think it's absurd that a toothpaste tube contains the directions - "for best results, squeeze from the bottom of the tube" - are you kidding me?

* As discussed last week, the Indians are gaining ground on hitting the 100 loss number. They have now lost 11 straight. There are 11 games to go & they must win 2. Embarrassing.

* The SI Cover Jinx is alive & well. In the College FB preview issue they highlighted a few teams that were going to make a run this year - Ole Miss, Oregon & Oregon St. - they all have lost.

* Now I'm concerned - Adrian Peterson was on the cover last week. That's not good for a Viking fan like myself.

* Baseball has about 11 games left. There are only 2 races worth mentioning:
- The Rockies are up 3.5 but have dropped their last 2. Meanwhile the Braves have won their last 3 & the Marlin have won their last 2.
- The Tigers are only up 3 on the Twins. But, Detroit was on the cover of SI this week. Oh No.......... Can Detroit handle more disappointment?

* The Russians are appears one of the richest dudes in the world is going to buy the Nets. The NBA is clearly becoming an international game isn't it? The Cavs have a Chinese owner.

* The NHL kicks off in 8 days. Excited about the Columbus Blue Jackets. Can they continue to improve? I really like the young talent - Nash, Mason, Brassard, Filatov. Just keep healthy....

* Not much in the way of big games for College FB this weekend. The biggest is Virginia Tech vs. Miami - but I really don't care about that one. The Big Ten does have some important conference games - but I don't think they really matter in the national picture anymore. There is no love out there for the Big Ten. People continue to be fascinated with the SEC.

* I ran into this blog on Networking. I liked it & wanted to share it:

Ten Top Tips to Grow Your Network
by on August 11, 2009
1. Build it before you need it: The best networking isn’t networking at all. Your goal should be to build relationships. Sure, that takes more time than swapping business cards at some boozy event. But those connections – real, sustained friendships – are what’s going to make a real difference in your life and career.

2. Don’t Be a Networking Jerk: Does the thought of “working a room” make you feel dirty? So don’t. Approach people with the question, “How can I help you?” Leading with generosity will allow you to approach people without the usual nervous inhibitions that bubble up when we feel inauthentic.

3. Don’t Keep Score: Truly connecting with others is a constant process of giving and receiving—of asking for and offering help. You’ve got to be willing to be generous, and accept the generosity of others, without keeping tally. Think big-picture: The more people you help, the more help you’ll have and the more help you’ll have helping others.

4. Create Instant Intimacy: Who really wants to talk about the weather? Why not skip to the good stuff! Creating instant intimacy by talking to people right away about their passions. What is it that really makes them tick?

5. Be Audacious: Nothing will create more opportunity in your life than a willingness to step up and ask for what you need. If you’re not brave enough to get out there and meet the people who are essential to your career, you won’t. It’s that simple. Push beyond what you think is “allowed” and you’ll often find that people are eager to help.

6. Develop Conversational Currency: When meeting someone new, be prepared to have something to say. Keep up with current events. Cultivate some niche interest—a single, narrow specialty that you’re truly passionate about. That passion has power.

7. Learn to Listen: Strive to be interested as much as interesting – or more. People love to meet others who take genuine interest in their lives. It’s frighteningly rare! Ask questions and when they answer, listen! Show them you’re listening with body language and follow up questions.

8. Master Nonverbal Cues: First, smile – it makes you approachable. Uncross your arms, relax, and maintain eye contact. When your eye contact drops below 70 percent, you can come across as rude and disinterested.

9. Get to Know the Gatekeeper: You think an assistant isn’t important enough to be on your radar? Wrong! That assistant has tremendous power as your target’s right hand. Treat them well.

10. Create a Personal Advisory Board: Get other people invested in your success by calling upon them as trusted

Friday, September 18, 2009

Move On

* Last Saturday was a kick in the gut for Buckeye fans. To be oh so close & miss out again. Texas, Penn State & now USC. All down to the final plays. All losses. Tressel ball can keep us in the games, but the Bucks must be perfect to win.

* Speaking of Tressel & the punt is the most important play. Check out this link.... This coach does not believe in punting & onside kicks every time.

* On to this weekend - I'm a Buckeye fan. To me that means my loyalty & passion will not change from week to week. I hope they smash my alma mater, Toledo (T-O-L-E-D-O, Toledo). I also hope the Rocket offense if very potent so OSU has to learn to put up some points.

* This is the weekend that Lane Kiffin learns to be a little more quiet. Florida will whack Tennessee. Don't expect Florida to take Tebow out until the clock hits 0:00.

* Texas plays Texas Tech this weekend. If you remember, Tech ruined the Longhorns chance to play for the National Championship. Expect Texas to get revenge in a big way. It will be a high scoring Texas win.

* It looks like College football will be the Big 3 this year - Florida, Texas & USC. I hope USC is good enough to run the table & not trip over a lesser opponent. I do think the Pac 10 is much improved. Cal is pretty good. I want USC to dominate that conference.

* Got a chance to see the Vikings & Browns live last Sunday. Couple of observations.
1) The stadium was not full. How does an opening day at Cleveland stadium against a team with so much star power (AP & Favre in particular), not sell out?
2) It was an awesomely beautiful day.
3) I love Browns fans - I really do. They have incredible passion & like me are fans of a team that has not won a Super Bowl.
4) Pro football players are incredible athletes. The speed, size & hitting on the field. How do more not get permanently injured from this sport?
5) Adrian Peterson is not human. I'm watching this guy warm up before the game - there is no one on either sideline that closely resembles him. The size, power & speed of him - whoa! He runs like a receiver & looks like a linebacker. No one like him. His fourth quarter run.....speechless. That run will be shown in the highlights for years to come. If he stays healthy, he will be mentioned in the same breath as Payton.
6) As much as I want to believe it because he's a Columbus kid & I think a good guy, Brady Quinn is not the answer in Cleveland.

* I hope the season hurries & ends & puts the Indians out of their misery. 1-9 in their last 10. Only 16 more games. They stand at 85 losses. Can they avoid loosing 100?

* One more thought from the Browns game - the camera panned to Lebron in the stadium. The ovation & roar for that guy was incredible. He owns the city of Cleveland.

* I know this was made re-popular while USC was in town, but I don't think there is a better was to define being a friend than the song "Lean On Me". I'm not sure there are any lyrics written that are better than these:

If there is a load you have to bear
That you can't carry
I'm right up the road
I'll share your load
If you just call me

So just call on me brother, when you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on
I just might have a problem that you'd understand
We all need somebody to lean on
Lean on me when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
Till I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on

Friday, September 11, 2009

Go Buckeyes (& michigan)

* Big game tomorrow. Honestly, I'm tired of hearing how bad the Big 10 is. There is only one way of dealing with that. OSU has got to win a big game.

* Many people forget it took a last minute comeback by Texas to beat OSU last year in the bowl game. I consistently hear & read that the Buckeyes have been embarrassed in the big games. Definitely true in the Florida, LSU & USC game. Not true otherwise. Many argued Texas should have played Florida in the National Championship game last year. OSU took them to the wire.

* I know - a loss is a loss. Once again, until the Bucks win a big national spotlight game, they will not be respected in the media. I'm sure all of the Big Ten will be rooting hard for the Buckeyes.

* This weekend is the only time that I become a michigan fan. I'm not an Irish fan.

* The NFL is here. Not a bad game last night. That was some serious smash mouth football. Sometimes I wonder how adults can survive that much punishment to the body. There was some hitting last night. Seems the Steelers are always involved in punishing games. There aren't too many teams that hit consistently like them - the Ravens & Titans come to mind.

* Roger Federer is the man. Got a chance to see him live a couple of weeks ago - if you can at all respect tennis (I happen to like it a lot), there is no other player like him. He looks so effortless yet his shot placement & lack of errors are amazing. Surprise - he's once again in the semis at the US Open. He will win another.

* The Rockies continue to push the Dodgers in the NL West. They have won 7 in a row. Since firing their manager in the first part of the season, they have went from 10 games under 500 to 21 games over 500. They are a lock for the NL wild card. But done sell them short, they are closing on the Dodgers quick - and they close the season with the Dodgers.

* With about 20 games to go, it looks like the MLB playoffs are close to being set. In the NL - Philadelphia, St. Louis & LA with the Rockies. In the AL, it's NY, Detroit & LA with the BoSox & Texas fighting it out for the wildcard. That's it. I don't expect anyone to stop the Yanks this year.

* Interesting article in Sports Illustrated this week. I didn't know it, but the AL has dominated the NL. Interleague play has been consistently slanted to the AL (even the Royals & Orioles are successful). AL players that are traded or moved to NL teams find success (Smoltz & Giambi are the latest examples- if you're a GM in the NL, watch the AL waiver wire). NL players that move to the AL bomb (Kerry Wood among many). The AL has won the last 13 all star games. The only place where the NL has success - the World Series - they have won 4 of the last 8.

* With Sizemore out due to injury - does anyone know any of the current Indians?

* Here's a fantasy sleeper - our very own Beanie Wells - if he stays healthy, he will be a stud. The only other back they have is Hightower. The receivers are so good, they will get extra attention. Beanie will have a terrific year.

* Some tips on leadership (thanks to Dale Carnagie)
A leader's job often includes changing your people's attitudes & behavior. Some tips:
1) Being with praise & honest appreciation
2) Call attention to people's mistakes indirectly.
3) Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.
4) Ask questions instead of giving direct orders
5) Let the other person save face.
6) Praise the slightest improvement & praise every improvement.
7) Give the other person a reputation to live up to.
8) Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct.
9) Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest. (what's in it for them).

* Go Bucks (& michigan) - enjoy the games.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Football is Here....

* After March Madness - this is the longest time of the year for sports fan - however it's starting to pick up......

* Hard to believe school is starting & football is right around the corner. Fantasy teams are being picked, everyone is optimistic (except for Raiders & Lions fans), and Buckeye fans have their usual high expectations.

* So many things to think about with the upcoming seasons. I think this season, unlike any other that I can remember, has so many quarterback stories.
- In the NFL you have Favre, Vick, Quinn vs Anderson, Cutler as a Bear, the return of Brady, is Romo better without Jessica, can Aaron Rodgers repeat on such a fantastic last year, can Carson Palmer find Ochocinco without TJ in the lineup, is there a soph slump on the horizon for Matt Ryan (or is he even better with Tony Gonzalez in the lineup), what will the Chiefs do without their very expensive Matt Cassel, does Hasselback improve with TJ Housh in the lineup, how bad will Mark Sanchez be and many more. Can't wait to kick it off.
- In the college world, the big 3 are back - Tebow, McCoy & Bradford. They will have amazing years. The heisman will be a 3 horse race simply because of the press these guys have received & the expected success of their teams.
- In the Big 10, we have Pryor, Juice and Daryll Clark - all 3 are quality QBs.
- Others to mention & watch - Todd Reesing (Kansas), Dan Lefevour (Western Mich), Jevan Snead (Ole Miss), Zac Robinson (Ok St), Russell Wilson (NC State).....oh my I get excited just thinking of the fun to be had.

* Is Eli Manning really worth more than his brother? Just imagine if David Tyree doesn't make the incredible helmet grab. Are we still talking about Eli as an elite QB? I don't think so. I think
he's an OK quarterback, but there are many that I would take before him.

* As a matter of fact, I would take Drew Brees over almost any other QB (maybe Brady & Peyton----maybe). The dude threw for over 5,000 yards last year. That offense is absolutely unstoppable (they also have a Westerville South player named Lance Moore). If only the D (led by OSU's own Will Smith) could pick it up a notch, that team is scary.

* Speaking of scary, the Vikings have 3 world class sprinters in their lineup - AP (All Day), Bernard Berrian & Percy Harvin - talk about excited. If #4 can be average, the purple team could be very good this year. It's honestly the most excited that I have been since they were upset by the Falcons in the NFC championship many years ago. Go Vikes.

* Time for predictions - NFC - I like the Giants, Vikings, Saints, Seahawks with the Bears & Eagles getting the wildcards. The Vikings (yes the Vikings) will be the last team standing from the NFC. Gonna be a fun year.

* AFC - I like the Colts, Pats, Steelers, Chargers with the Jaguars & Titans grabbing the wildcards. The Chargers will represent the AFC.

* Sadly I predict the Chargers will give the Vikings their 5th Super Bowl loss.

* Hockey kicks off on Oct 3 - expect the CBJs to be much improved this year. Need to get up in the top 4 of the conference. I expect this to be a good year - A healthy Brassard will be a horse.

* Baseball is finishing - don't see anyone stopping the Yankees & Dodgers - the deepest pockets in the majors.

* Surprise - Michigan's Rodriguez is cheating with his practices. It won't be long before that guy is run out of town. That's too conservative of a school to take too many more hits.

* Expect Lane Kiffin to get quiet after Florida smacks Tennessee on Sept 19th.

* Games of the week:
9/3: Oregon @ Boise State
9/5: Alabama @ Va Tech, Georgia @ Oklahoma State
9/12: USC @ OSU
10/3: LSU @ Georgia, USC @ Cal
10/10: Florida @ LSU, Alabama @ Ole Miss
10/17: Texas v Oklahoma, Va Tech @ Georgia Tech
10/31: USC & Oregon, Florida v Georgia
11/7: LSU @ Alabama, OSU @ Penn State
11/14: Utah @ TCU
11/21: OSU @ michigan (not the luster of the ole days but still very meaningful), Penn St @ Mich St.
12/3: Oregon State @ Oregon

Lots more thoughts to come.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's Been A While

But there's a lot on my mind:

* I'm very mixed about the Brett Favre situation. On one hand, I'm tired of it. It's been very frustrating going through his change of mind - especially since the team he is impacting is the Vikings (a team I'm pretty near & dear to). On the other hand, I can't help but feel #4 would have been a lot better than the other options the Vikes have at QB. They are quite possibly the most talented team in the NFL outside of QB. It's been over 30 years since they've been to a Super Bowl. Now, it's Sage Rosenthal that is my QB in Minnesota. Wow!

* It's very tough to be an Indian fan these days. They only have 4 guys left on the team that played in the playoffs just 2 years ago. You would think their farm system is very stocked now. I'm a skeptic - I'm not expecting these trades to ultimately pay-off for the Tribe in the next few years. How do you justify going to the Jake these days when you can go to the brand new Huntington Park in Columbus & watch the minor league Indians for $6?

* This has been the most boring sports season that I think I have gone through. The options right now - Baseball, Soccer, Nascar, Golf - none are very interesting to me. I continue to lose more & more interest in baseball. Not sure why. Maybe it's due to the ridiculous salaries. Maybe it's due to the Indians & Reds being terrible. Maybe it's due to me being a basketball & football fan primarily. I'm not sure. But I'm having a very rough time finding things to watch on tv.

* Played Mud Volleyball last weekend. If you haven't done it, I highly recommend it. You don't have to be a good volleyball player. The mud makes it difficult to move & jump - equalizing most of the players. It's hard not to have a great time splashing around in the mud. Lots of laughs, smiles & fun no matter how good you play.

* I finally bit the bullet & got a Facebook. I was very reluctant. I felt Facebook was more of a HS/College thing to do. But one day, my daughter set me up an account without me knowing. Next thing I know I have a ton of friend requests. These are people that I haven't seen or talked to in many months or years. Now I'm connected to so many different people that it's been fun. I don't do much on FB. But it has been fun re-connecting. I have another HS reunion next year & it's going to be a great tool to communicate getting it setup.

* College is expensive - I now have 2 in college. One of the things I've learned is SAVE, SAVE, SAVE while your kids are young.

* I recently had another birthday. One of the things that I've reflected on as I've continued to age is 2 simple statements:

1) Life is about relationships
2) Be comfortable being uncomfortable.

I'll explore some of my thoughtse on these statements in future posts.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

It Starts Tonight

Let's go Jackets.....Let's go Jackets.....Let's go Jackets

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The BlueJackets are In!!!!

· The BlueJackets are in the playoffs. Finally. The stigma as the only NHL team to not make the playoffs has been eliminated. THE CBJ ARE IN!!!!!
· Do they have a chance against the mighty Detroit Red Wings? Absolutely. Do I think they’ll win the series? Absolutely not. But I do think it will be a fun time for Ohio hockey fans to enjoy being part of it. Expect a sell-out crowd with lots of energy at the games. Expect bars to finally tune all of the screens to the BlueJackets during the game time. It’s gonna be a blast.
· Imagine the satisfaction of Rick Nash – going through the unforgiving tough times and finally realizing the dream of playing for the Cup.
· I’m bummed Kenny Perry didn’t get it done on Sunday. He’s a good dude. Family man, great to the media and fans, humble guy. Deserved better than finishing with 2 bogeys and a dreadful playoff. He had a handful of close putts in his final round. Just one of them falls, he’s the champ. Instead he’s a choke.
· The Tribe start has been disappointing. The one concern going in has been starting pitching. That concern has reared its ugly head in the 1st 7 games. Hopefully they will be able to get it going soon. I’m a firm believer in momentum. Need to get some positive momentum going in these next few games.
· Good to see Pronk hitting again. Although he left many runners on base last night, he’s improved quite a bit over last year so far.
· The Cavs have clinched the best record in the NBA. Let me say that again – The Cavs have the best record in the NBA. Wow – that sounds good. Even during the Price, Daugherty, Nance years that didn’t happen. LeBron continues to impress. He’s simply unstoppable.
· Don’t think that the NBA home court doesn’t make a difference. When it comes to any game 7, they will be at Cleveland. That’s cool. Cleveland is 39-1 at home. The Lakers (lost only 5 at home) and the Celtics (6 losses at home) are also very tough at home. I sure wouldn’t want a game 7 at their place.
· I like Joe Dumars but why would he trade Chauncey Billups to the Denver Nuggets for Allen (Practice?) Iverson? Billups has been just what Denver needs. They have the 2nd best record in the West. Iverson can’t understand why he isn’t starting. Anybody recognize a theme with AI? He’s on a 76er team that doesn’t win, an Olympic team that doesn’t win & the Nuggets & Pistons were both better when he wasn’t with the team. Maybe he needs to practice.

Must Read

Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom is a must read for everyone.

"When you learn how to die, you learn how to live."

Simple message - life live fully, love and do something meaningful with your time.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Go Spartans. Tired of the Big 10 not getting the respect it deserves in basketball. Always seem to have a team in the Final Four.

How does Tom Izzo do it? He's a great coach. His teams play tough. They rebound. They defend. They are disciplined. Watch how his players sprint their offensive sets. I don't know many other teams that do it like them.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Super Bowl History

  • You can tell it’s a weak movie schedule when Paul Blart: Mall Cop is topping the box office. Of course it’s ahead of such stellar offerings as 2) Underworld, 3) Gran Torino, 4) Hotel for Dogs, 5) Slumdog Millionaire. Makes me want to run right out to the movies.
  • I have watched a few movies lately. I have come to believe the “F” word is way overused. I’ve heard it used as a noun, adjective, pronoun, adverb, verb, etc…. Why? It loses its purpose (if it has any) when it’s used so frequently.

  • What is the origin of saying “Jesus Christ” in anger? That’s another one I don’t quite get.
    My favorite college basketball coaches are Tom Izzo of Michigan State & Roy Williams at North Carolina. I have watched a lot of basketball & those guys just stand out for me.
    Izzo – no one shakes a shooter free better (witness Drew Neitzel last year) with maybe the exception of Coach K. I have stolen so many sets from Michigan State. I tape their games & then chart their plays. He’s the best. They are also tops in rebounding (both offensive & defensive) every year & they are always deep on their bench.
    Williams – there is simply not a better transition coach in college. While he was at Kansas they were the best. Now that he’s at UNC, there is not a better break in basketball. He also has a deep bench & plays a very exciting style of basketball.

  • Does anyone really believe UNC isn’t the best team in the country? I know – they’ve lost twice. But, in my mind there isn’t a team better in the country. I can’t wait for the Feb 11th matchup at Duke.

  • The Steelers are heavy favorites in my book. That’s why I think the Cardinals (did anyone see them being in the show?) will win. It’s too good of story for Kurt Warner to rise up from obscurity, win a Super Bowl, fall from grace, then rise up again. Who thought the Giants had a chance last year?

  • The Super Bowl history is enlightening. In the last 10 years, there have been 16 teams (Cardinals, Steelers, Giants, Patriots, Colts, Bears, Seahawks, Eagles, Panthers, Raiders, Bucs, Rams, Ravens, Titans, Broncos, Falcons - notice there is no Vikings (oh, the pain), Browns, Bengals – and even no Cowboys or 49ers) represented in the Super Bowl. This is half of the 32 teams in the league. That’s a great system when it allows such potential for all teams to be there.

  • Surprisingly, MLB also has had ½ of their teams in the World Series in the past 10 years. There have been 15 teams (Philly, Tampa, Boston, Colorado, St. Louis, Detroit, WSox, Houston, Florida, NYY, Anaheim, SF, AZ, NYM, ATL – nope – NO INDIANS OR REDS) out of 30 teams.

  • The NHL has had 13 out of 30 teams in the Stanley Cup (Detroit, Pitt, Anaheim, Ottawa, Carolina, Edmonton, Tampa, Calgary, NJ, Colorado, Dallas, Buffalo, Washington) – NO COLUMBUS.

  • The NBA has had 11 out of 30 teams play for the World Championship (Spurs, Cavs, Heat, Mavs, Pistons, Lakers, Nets, 76ers, Pacers, Knicks, Celtics). Yes – THE CAVS are on the list. Finally an Ohio team. Man, Ohio teams have been disappointing.

  • The MLS…….sorry don’t have that one – Although I do know THE COLUMBUS CREW won it last year.

  • How can the NBA call it the World Championship? That’s pretty arrogant. We have 2 teams outside the US & we call the championship the World Championship. At least the US reclaimed the gold medal.

  • Someone sent me these I liked them a lot: 25 Tips for a Better Life
    1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.
    2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Talk to God about what is going on in your life.
    3. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement, 'My purpose is to__________ today. I am thankful for______________'
    4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
    5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli, almonds & walnuts.
    6. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
    7. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
    8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.
    9. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
    10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
    11. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
    12. You are not so important that you have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
    13. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
    14. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
    15. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
    16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?'
    17. Forgive everyone for everything.
    18. What other people think of you is none of your business.
    19. GOD heals everything - but you have to ask Him.
    20. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
    21. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch!!!
    22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
    23. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: I am thankful for__________. Today I accomplished _________.
    24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.
    25. When you are feeling down, start listing your many blessings. You'll be smiling before you know it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Could Do Without the Showmanship

· I recently read a quote from John Wooden, the great UCLA coach. When asked if he still likes basketball today, he replied, “I like the game now, but I don’t like the game as much. I have never cared for the showmanship, and I think there is too much showmanship in the game today.” I couldn’t agree more. It seems that every single dunk today requires a show. I like it when the player acts like they’ve done it before instead of making a single spectacle out of every play.
· Do we have Playstation Madden games to blame for all the showmanship?
· I like the playoffs – it becomes so much more about the team & less about the individual. It doesn’t matter which sport or level – NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, MLS, College – it becomes about the team. That’s when I love team sports. The playoffs are at such a different level. Love the playoffs.
· If you think it’s tough being a fan in Ohio, you need to look at the state of Washington. I know the Browns & Bengals are terrible and the Buckeyes lost a BCS game – AGAIN. But check out the performance of Washington teams – Mariners had a 101 loss season, Washington University went winless. Washington State won only 2 game –1 was vs. Washington, the NBA Sonics have left the city and are now the Oklahoma City Thunder, the Seahawks had high expectation & finished 4-12. Oh yeah & it rains almost every day of the year.
· You could also live in michigan – home of the highly successful 2008 college football wolverines and the even better Detroit Lions. Oh yeah & they aren’t selling any cars either.
· Ohio has it’s tough parts, but it’s not all bad. The Cavs are finally winning, the Indians have some promise and the Buckeyes have double digit wins for many years in football, & are a couple of years removed from playing for both a basketball & football title in the same year.
· The Columbus BlueJackets deserve some props. They are winning despite having up to seven of their expected regulars being injured at a time. They have a rookie goaltender that is setting the world on fire and just celebrated a hat trick from a player that has only played 6 NHL games. There is some great young talent on this team. Stay tuned.
· I have been a subscriber to Sports Illustrated for many years. One of my favorite parts of the magazine is the photos in the 1st few pages. They are always striking. Case in point is the overhead shot from this year’s Rose Bowl in the Jan 12th issue. Takes your breath away. I once had a friend that dreamed of being an SI photographer. Still root for him to fulfill his dream. I could see how being a photographer at this level would be amazing.
· It’s been 30 years since the famous Woody Hayes punch of a Clemson player in the 1978 Gator Bowl. I still wish Woody’s legacy would have not included this incident. Too great of a man that has had too great of an impact on people.
· I don’t like Florida Gator football. Am I jealous? Yes. Tebow is returning, they have more speed than most if not all others, their recruiting continues at the highest of levels and they have a coach with a highly imaginative, fun offense to watch. All the things you want in a program. They have it going & I don’t like it.
· Coaching college basketball is a blast. Love it, love it, love it……

Monday, January 5, 2009

It's Too Silent

* Why is no one talking about the Buckeye game tonight?