Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's Been A While

But there's a lot on my mind:

* I'm very mixed about the Brett Favre situation. On one hand, I'm tired of it. It's been very frustrating going through his change of mind - especially since the team he is impacting is the Vikings (a team I'm pretty near & dear to). On the other hand, I can't help but feel #4 would have been a lot better than the other options the Vikes have at QB. They are quite possibly the most talented team in the NFL outside of QB. It's been over 30 years since they've been to a Super Bowl. Now, it's Sage Rosenthal that is my QB in Minnesota. Wow!

* It's very tough to be an Indian fan these days. They only have 4 guys left on the team that played in the playoffs just 2 years ago. You would think their farm system is very stocked now. I'm a skeptic - I'm not expecting these trades to ultimately pay-off for the Tribe in the next few years. How do you justify going to the Jake these days when you can go to the brand new Huntington Park in Columbus & watch the minor league Indians for $6?

* This has been the most boring sports season that I think I have gone through. The options right now - Baseball, Soccer, Nascar, Golf - none are very interesting to me. I continue to lose more & more interest in baseball. Not sure why. Maybe it's due to the ridiculous salaries. Maybe it's due to the Indians & Reds being terrible. Maybe it's due to me being a basketball & football fan primarily. I'm not sure. But I'm having a very rough time finding things to watch on tv.

* Played Mud Volleyball last weekend. If you haven't done it, I highly recommend it. You don't have to be a good volleyball player. The mud makes it difficult to move & jump - equalizing most of the players. It's hard not to have a great time splashing around in the mud. Lots of laughs, smiles & fun no matter how good you play.

* I finally bit the bullet & got a Facebook. I was very reluctant. I felt Facebook was more of a HS/College thing to do. But one day, my daughter set me up an account without me knowing. Next thing I know I have a ton of friend requests. These are people that I haven't seen or talked to in many months or years. Now I'm connected to so many different people that it's been fun. I don't do much on FB. But it has been fun re-connecting. I have another HS reunion next year & it's going to be a great tool to communicate getting it setup.

* College is expensive - I now have 2 in college. One of the things I've learned is SAVE, SAVE, SAVE while your kids are young.

* I recently had another birthday. One of the things that I've reflected on as I've continued to age is 2 simple statements:

1) Life is about relationships
2) Be comfortable being uncomfortable.

I'll explore some of my thoughtse on these statements in future posts.

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