Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Confucius Say

* I was looking at the Big 10 teams in the bowl games. I think is the year the Big 10 is vindicated. I am going out on a limb & saying the Big 10 will be 6-1 in the bowls this year. The matchups:
The U vs. Wisconsin (U favored by 3.5 - I'm picking the Badgers)
Minnesota vs. Iowa State (UM favored by 2.5 - Gophers to win)
Northwestern vs. Auburn (UA favored by 7 - Auburn will win)
Penn State vs. LSU (PSU will drop the SEC)
Mich State vs. Texas Tech (Tech favored by 8, MSU in an upset)
OSU vs. Oregon (Oregon by 3.5, Buckeyes get the monkey off the back)
Iowa vs. Georgia Tech (Tech by 4, another upset)

You heard it hear, the Big 10 will be 6-1.

* Vazquez to the Yankees. Are you kidding me? The rich get richer. Vazquez only trails Randy Johnson in active pitchers with strikeouts....and he goes to a team with Sabathia, Pettite, and all of the other great players. This is ridiculous. This sport is not fair anymore. You have a bunch of poor boys playing all star teams.

* Look at the major league payrolls this past year:
The top 5: Yanks ($201 million - not a typo), Mets $149, Cubs $135, Red Sox $122 (yes the Yankees spent $80 million more than the Red Sox), Tigers $115
The bottom 5: Marlins $37 (yes the Yankess spent 5.5 times the Marlins), Padres $44, Pirates $60, As $62, Rays $63.
Ohio Teams: Indians $82, Reds $74
Just not right.

* The Big 10 hoops teams have started well. Look at Northwestern at 10-1. I expect the Big 10 to be a bloodbath this year with much balance. The champion may have 5 losses this year.

* I can't wait for the matchup of the year - Texas vs. Kansas in hoops. Both teams look strong.

* Tiger's arrogance gets me. How did he not think this would eventually come to light?

* Favre - please just play.

I ran across this great Confucius quote:
"To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right."

In summary - it starts with YOU! Not your neighbor, not your boss, not your kids, not your friends. If you want the world to be a better starts with YOU!


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