Thursday, November 5, 2009

Yanks & Other Thoughts

* Wasn't a tough call - but I did predict the Yankees would win the series. (definitely not a tough call - they only spent a gazillion dollars to put that all star team on the field.

* I am not a fan of the Yankees. Never have been....never will. I'm totally against the idea of spending as much money as they do. The playing field is not level for all teams. If the Yankees want a player - they go buy him. Simple. Am I a little bitter because the best pitchers on the field were former Indians? - you bet I am.

* I'm waking up after watching the Yankees dominate again & swearing that I'm done with baseball.

* I do like Derek Jeter - I think he plays the game the right way. And he is actually someone that came through the Yankees farm system.

On to other topics:
* Why is it that when a defensive player grabs the facemask it's a 15 yard personal foul.....but when the offensive player stiff-arms & grabs the facemask & torques a guy's head, it's ok? Don't quite understand that one.

* Why is it that 99% of the time it's defensive pass interference? I'd say many times the offense is the one causing the problems....yet it's always the defense that's punished.

* Why is it acceptable to substitute at every position in football with the exception of quarterback? Derek Anderson is playing horrendous at QB & you can't give Brady Quinn a couple of series without it being a huge deal? Terrel Pryor is struggling at Purdue & you can't give a series to Joe Bauserman? Maybe TP would have settled down....maybe JB would have got hot & gave the Buckeyes a shot in the arm. Coaches are stubborn.

* Why are 4-way stop signs so difficult? I go through a few each & every day....I'm amazed at how much more time they take because no one is assertive enough to go.

* As Hollywood as the signing is....Shaq is not the answer in Cleveland. The Cavs are still too reliant on LeBron in the 4th quarter to take every shot. Shaq might be able to guard a couple guys a little better than Z....but I honestly don't see him making much difference offensively. The Celtics (if they stay healthy....and that's a big if given that most of their team is pretty old by NBA standards) are the team to beat in the East. Adding Rasheed Wallace was the best most they could have made. Now they are big & can substitute for Garnett without loosing a beat.

* As good as I feel about the Vikings going in to the bye week....those Saints scare the heck out of me. That offense is as good as it gets. They are shredding defenses at will. Drew Brees is in rhythm.

* I lost a lot of respect for Urban Myer. The initial suspension of Spikes for the eye gouging incident was a complete joke. It wasn't until the media cried foul that they extended it to a game. Come-on a man & stand for something.

* As hard as this is for me to say - I expect the Nittany Lions to beat the Buckeyes on Saturday. That Buckeye offense is still not functioning. The defense can't continue to carry all of the weight. Daryll Clark is pretty good. Kind of interesting that OSU's starting QB is from PA while PSU's starting QB is from O-H-I-O (Youngstown).

* LSU at Alabama is the only other good game this weekend. I expect Bama to roll tide at home.

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