Monday, February 14, 2011

Some Words to Live By

These are some of the things that I have learned during my life.

* Work hard - there is no substitute for it. It's the only way.

* Don't expect handouts - you want something, work for it.

* Be accountable - don't blame others - YOU are responsible for your life - no one else is.

* Your reputation is everything - work hard, tell the truth, do what you say you're going to do, don't talk bad about people

* Put others before yourself - Life is more fulfilling when you put others first.

* Constantly look for ways to help others - open the door, carry their bags, say a nice word

* Be quick with compliments - there isn't enough kindness in the world today.

* Smile A LOT - people like being around others that are happy

* It's not what you know but who you know - Network - get out & meet people - shake hands, smile & get to know someone new - all of my jobs came through networks of people

* God is important - there is an end to this life - what do you believe happens next? Are you prepared for the next stage?

* Have a positive attitude - if you look for negative you will find it - I prefer to look for positive - I think it's a healthier way to live.

* Love - treat those that you love very special. why would we treat those that love us any other way?

* Life every day like it's your last - that way when the end is here, you will have no regrets.

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