Monday, November 23, 2009

Get To vs. Got To

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* I recently attended an awesome session presented by a friend of mine (Dr. Gary Schwantz). His point was living life as a "Get to" vs. a "Got to". Think of how you use those different phrases. When you are excited to do something it might be common to say...."I get to watch the Buckeyes on Saturday". On the contrary, when you are going to do something that you aren't as passionate about, you might say...."I've got to go to work". His advice was to create a life of "get to".

* His point was summarized in 5 key bullets (hopefully you will find something in here that speaks to you):
1) Do it on purpose - deciding today is the day I notice. If we want to savor life, we have to notice it.
2) Notice the moment - Be in the moment.
3) Celebrate & have some fun - it creates a healthier you.
4) Be grateful - blessing are gifts, not entitlements.
5) Take Time - make time for those things that are important.

* Ohio State owns michigan - 6 straight, 7 out of the last 8. I can hardly remember the Cooper era. It wasn't that long ago the shoe was on the other foot....michigan owned Ohio State. As hard as it is for me to see michigan beating OSU next year, there were a lot of positive signs for the wolverines. That offense moved the ball.....but turnovers doomed them. Just think if they didn't turn the ball over....we might have had to throw a pass or 2 in the second half.

* Bring on the Ducks. I'm convinced we are going to play Oregon in the Grand-daddy of the all...the Rose Bowl. They have looked good everytime that I have seen them. Fast, shifty & they run the spread. It will be a great test for the Buckeyes. Of course the Bucks will be dogs.

* As funny as this sounds - I think the Buckeyes are in the exact same position they would have been had they won all of their games. Just think, there is absolutely no way the voters would have put OSU in the title game. With all of the other undefeated teams, OSU would have been #3 at best. Given that, they would have went to the Rose Bowl. Interesting but most likely true. The Purdue loss & the USC loss meant nothing to the bowl picture.

* Hard to believe the next OSU football game will be January 1st....such a long time. My how time flies. Now it's time to enjoy some OSU hoops. Hopefully they can give us something to cheer for.

* Remember, no matter how bad your fantasy football team is doing, for most leagues it only matters how you do in weeks 14, 15 & 16. You can be 9-2 right now, get the #1 seed in the playoffs & get knocked out by the lowest seed just because they have some no name bust out in week #14. Don't get cocky now. Just make the playoffs.

* There's something wrong with Lady GaGa. Every performance I have seen her do is disturbing. She can't be all there.

* Thanksgiving is a great time of the year. Challenge for the family dinner table have everyone go around & say 1 or 2 things they are thankful for. You may be surprised how cool this turns out.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It's michigan Week

* Yes - we are spoiled as Buckeye fans. We've now won the Big 10 for five years in a row. Yet we still gripe about the coach. Well we could be michigan. They have 1 win in the Big 10....yes ONE. They have to beat the Buckeyes to go to a bowl. We are going to a BCS bowl....AGAIN. michigan is desparate to go to A bowl...any bowl. We need to enjoy it.

* This game will be closer than expected. Yes, michigan's defense is porous (full of holes). But we play Tressel ball in Columbus. Senator Tressel has been known to pull out a trick or two against the team up north. But, when the smoke clears, he still plays it close to his sweater vest. I expect a 20-13 win.

* This game has much more excitement when michigan is good. Does it bother me that michigan is bad.....nope. Penn State is becoming a pretty good rival.

* Why in the heck would a team like the Bengals be considering signing Larry Johnson? It seems the Bengals are just putting their problems behind them & now they are inviting another in? Baffles me.

* I had a pretty strong feeling the Allen Iverson signing would go bad for Memphis. It did. He's not a strong team player unless he's starting & taking the majority of a team's shots. If he's not...he's not a good option for a team....especially a young team like the Grizzlies.

* The new Death Cab for Cutie single "Meet Me on the Equinox" sounds just like a RUSH song. Eerie.

* Brady Quinn was 13-31 last night. That's 42% if you're counting. Not good for an NFL QB. The 2 picks while not directly his fault because they went off receiver's hands, were not great passes - both were off target (behind & high).

* Hang in the Brown's fans, Charlie Weis will be available soon. They've tried all of the other Belichick disciples (Crennel, Mangini & even Belichick himself). Weis has got to be next.

* We are going to see how good the OSU basketball team is very soon. On Thursday they tip-off against the National Champion North Carolina Tar Heels. I like the Buckeye team this year. They are long and athletic. David Lighty's return will be a big boost.

* Speaking of the Buckeyes - just think if they didn't have all of the big guns pull the one & done. This year's team would have Oden, Conley, Cook, Koufas & Mullens in the mix. One can dream.

* The pro careers have really worked for Koufas & Mullens. Last I saw Mullens was in street clothes. Not exactly what he was hoping for I'm sure. But, if you can't play for OSU (which he didn't very well), how are you going to play in the NBA? Don't understand the logic sometimes. Who is helping these kids?

* Remind me why the SEC is such a great football conference again. I'm looking at the Top 25 & there are exactly 3 SEC teams in it. The Mountain West conference has 3 teams in the Top 25. In fact, there are 3 other conferences with 4 or more (Pac 10 - 5, Big 10 - 4, ACC - 4). The SEC is very top heavy. The PAC 10 looks like the best conference this year.

* It's hoop season again - the mighty Otterbein College Cardinals women's team kicks off this Friday in Adrian, Michigan. I can't wait (I help coach there if you didn't know). I'm looking forward to the season. We have a lot of depth this year. We got tougher & deeper. I think it's gonna be a good thing. Time will tell.....

* Go Bucks....beat michigan....beat em bad.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Yanks & Other Thoughts

* Wasn't a tough call - but I did predict the Yankees would win the series. (definitely not a tough call - they only spent a gazillion dollars to put that all star team on the field.

* I am not a fan of the Yankees. Never have been....never will. I'm totally against the idea of spending as much money as they do. The playing field is not level for all teams. If the Yankees want a player - they go buy him. Simple. Am I a little bitter because the best pitchers on the field were former Indians? - you bet I am.

* I'm waking up after watching the Yankees dominate again & swearing that I'm done with baseball.

* I do like Derek Jeter - I think he plays the game the right way. And he is actually someone that came through the Yankees farm system.

On to other topics:
* Why is it that when a defensive player grabs the facemask it's a 15 yard personal foul.....but when the offensive player stiff-arms & grabs the facemask & torques a guy's head, it's ok? Don't quite understand that one.

* Why is it that 99% of the time it's defensive pass interference? I'd say many times the offense is the one causing the problems....yet it's always the defense that's punished.

* Why is it acceptable to substitute at every position in football with the exception of quarterback? Derek Anderson is playing horrendous at QB & you can't give Brady Quinn a couple of series without it being a huge deal? Terrel Pryor is struggling at Purdue & you can't give a series to Joe Bauserman? Maybe TP would have settled down....maybe JB would have got hot & gave the Buckeyes a shot in the arm. Coaches are stubborn.

* Why are 4-way stop signs so difficult? I go through a few each & every day....I'm amazed at how much more time they take because no one is assertive enough to go.

* As Hollywood as the signing is....Shaq is not the answer in Cleveland. The Cavs are still too reliant on LeBron in the 4th quarter to take every shot. Shaq might be able to guard a couple guys a little better than Z....but I honestly don't see him making much difference offensively. The Celtics (if they stay healthy....and that's a big if given that most of their team is pretty old by NBA standards) are the team to beat in the East. Adding Rasheed Wallace was the best most they could have made. Now they are big & can substitute for Garnett without loosing a beat.

* As good as I feel about the Vikings going in to the bye week....those Saints scare the heck out of me. That offense is as good as it gets. They are shredding defenses at will. Drew Brees is in rhythm.

* I lost a lot of respect for Urban Myer. The initial suspension of Spikes for the eye gouging incident was a complete joke. It wasn't until the media cried foul that they extended it to a game. Come-on a man & stand for something.

* As hard as this is for me to say - I expect the Nittany Lions to beat the Buckeyes on Saturday. That Buckeye offense is still not functioning. The defense can't continue to carry all of the weight. Daryll Clark is pretty good. Kind of interesting that OSU's starting QB is from PA while PSU's starting QB is from O-H-I-O (Youngstown).

* LSU at Alabama is the only other good game this weekend. I expect Bama to roll tide at home.

* If you haven't joined Linked-In ( , I highly recommend it. As the old saying goes, "it's not what you know, but who you know" that counts. This website is a terrific method of increasing your network. It's sort of like Facebook....but with a professional slant. The website is a great resource to use when you need help or advice. Give it a try.