Monday, January 5, 2009

It's Too Silent

* Why is no one talking about the Buckeye game tonight?


JBlunt said...

From K Fulmer

Tough loss. That bad snap on the 2nd field goal looms large. Hit that field goal, you don't go for two take the extra point and the Bucks win by one. The help we gave them on the other scoring drive hurt. The pass interference, and then the personal foul for the shot to the head, both questionable calls got them in the end zone. Third quarter killed. How do you come out of the locker room and lay such a goose egg? That first drive in the 2nd half by Texas where we helped them down the field, turned the mo. How can Beenie not make it through any of the big games? If I'm an NFL team I am seriously looking at his durability and desire to be on the field when his team needs him. You bust off some big runs and get to the red zone and then have to come off for rest stalling your teams mo. Not if your a big time player. Oh, I forgot, when did Pryor stop being a football player and step out of bounds before the first down marker and then again when he clearly could have gotten another 5 yards or more. I want play with passion, desire, and wreckless abandon. What did you have to lose, you get every yard you can. That all said it was a fun game to watch. At least I wasn't ready to go to bed at halftime.

JBlunt said...

From D Schumacher

May have something to do with the Big Ten getting their butts kicked in all of their bowl games but one.

JBlunt said...

From G Short

Someone has to say it...

Because Texas is going to cover the spread by a touchdown.
Prior is what McCoy was two years ago when we pounded him. A rookie.
Prior will be where McCoy is in two years. A stud leading a dominant team, running back or not.
Who's McCoy's running back? I don't know.

Prior will make freshman mistakes because he wants to prove himself in the big game and will press when he shouldn't.
And he doesn't have Ginn, Holmes, Gonzalez, Boston, or Glenn out there running under his lobs.
Beanie will have 8 in the box.

I'll be rooting for my alma mater, but I don't see it working out this year.
Go Bucks!

JBlunt said...

From T Walsh

It's that little detail of meaningless bowl game vs. our dream world including a college football playoff. Think OSU vs. Texas in the first round of an 8 team playoff would have anyone talking?????

JBlunt said...

From T Cline

Who is "no one"?

I am sitting in my office, with my Nike Tressel sweater vest on, staring at my framed portraits of the shoe (3 of them) on one wall, and my 3 Woody Hayes portraits on the other wall, thinking of nothing BUT the game tonight. As I sneak a look past my National Champion banner to see that my OSU clock says it is only 3:22 pm, I realize that the 1460 pregame show began 22 minutes ago, and I need to turn the radio on. Trust me, some of us (real fans anyways) are thinking/talking about the game.

2 keys:
1. OSU cannot go 3-n-out. They must at least move the ball and make McCoy wait. Yes points are needed, but we have to at least get a first down or 3 every time we get the ball. I sure hope we don't line up in the I formation on our 1st play from scrimmage and hand it to #28. Hopefully it will be a shotgun read option, or at least something that makes the Longhorns guess/think. Let #2 play a little more and don't be so predictable, so predictable, so predictalbe (broken record).......
2. OSU D-line has got to continue their late season improvement. Four-man pressure with a mix of blitzes to keep Colt dancing would be huge. His 80% completion percentage is due to their short passing game--lots of timing routes--gotta mess up that timing.

OSU D continues its late season dominance: OSU 31-17 (Of course, I still see the world thru my scarlet and gray colored glasses).

Go Bucks!

JBlunt said...

From E Owens

The pain of the agonizing defeats the past 2 years has everyone terrified of getting their hopes up. People are holing up by themselves at home or doing something more low key but still dying to get excited for the game but no one wants to talk trash or even admit that they think OSU will win. It will be chatty tomorrow if the Bucks come to play.

JBlunt said...

From J Rolwing

· It’s less about a lack of excitement and more about managing expectations….Previously indestructible OSU teams have been demolished in big post-season games the past 2 years. This Buckeye team is vulnerable. Very Weak D-Line. Under-performing O-Line. The basic tenants of football are blocking and tackling and our horses have to have a GREAT game all around to have a prayer tonight. Tonight could set OSU Football – and Big Ten Football – back to American Car status – once great and powerful, but too stodgy and stubborn to react to the marketplace – it’ll hurt recruiting for years if it is a blowout.

· Fool me once……….

· First day of school

· Hoarding cash and resources

· Worrying about employment

· Worry

JBlunt said...

From M Bone

I'm in Big 12 country and all the sports talk guys here are talking about a 14 to 21 point Texas win. No one gives OSU a chance. Given that Texas looks at least as good as USC and USC destroyed the Big-10 champions, most people are writing OSU off and starting the debate about Texas and Utah getting a share of the national title.

The great thing about it, though, is there's a game to play tonight and OSU can erase all the talk with a win. The Sweater seems to struggle in the big game, though and Texas is very, very good. As one who grew up in Big-10 country, I have a soft spot for the conference but it's probably time for the Big-10 to start pimping the early-season basketball success. Of course, don't forget the Lady Nittany Lions and their NCAA championship in volleyball. I'm sure Iowa is in the hunt in wrestling, too.

JBlunt said...

From K Fulmer

I here ya Goooo Bucks!!!! They just think Texas is going to walk over us. Thats what they thought in 2005. Come on D bring the noise.

JBlunt said...

From C Carr
OSU by 3. Pryor can't do it alone.

JBlunt said...

From D Beckham

because some of us think the Buclkeyes are gonna win... and everytime I say it out loud people say I'm dreamin

JBlunt said...

From K Vicary


It's not like it means anything.

Actually, who cares?

JBlunt said...

From C Blunt

I'm honestly expecting us to get blown out. We had no right being in this bowl against Texas.

JBlunt said...

From J Rolwing

Although it was a heartbreaker, it could have been worse. Pride is still in tact but still, another loss on the big stage…..

OSU got outcoached after halftime…..D-fense did not adjust to no-huddle. Should have called a Time Out on last play to get D organized. Blitz and man coverage on 4th Down with time running out???

Still, in the bigger picture, Tress is still doing all the right things for the program and for the players….they are generally staying out of trouble and they are graduating at a rate higher than the student body.

JBlunt said...

From M Bone

Well, they played their guts out and showed that the Big-10 still has a physical style of play. Texas got soft playing all these spread offenses in the Big-12, apparently, as OSU pushed them all over the field. Can't quite figure out why they stopped running the ball. Not a big fan of The Sweater. He's proven to me once and for all that he can't win the big game. I would have kept running Wells and the quarterback until they showed they could stop it, which they never did.

Your young quarterback is going to be fun to watch the next few years. Not much he can't do. Thought we were looking at a Vince Young performance for a while.

Feel bad for the safety that went for the pick on that last play. He'll have that going through his head for years to come.

Now Texas needs to shut up about sharing the title. If they had made the easy interception at the end of the Texas Tech game, they would be playing Thursday night anyway. They didn't look like the best team in the country last night, regardless of opponent. USC has a much, much stronger case, given the performance of the Pac-10 in the bowl season. They are the best team in the country, in my view.

Cut it back to an 11 game schedule and let's have a playoff. Keep your bowl games for the rest of the teams.