Sunday, January 11, 2009

Could Do Without the Showmanship

· I recently read a quote from John Wooden, the great UCLA coach. When asked if he still likes basketball today, he replied, “I like the game now, but I don’t like the game as much. I have never cared for the showmanship, and I think there is too much showmanship in the game today.” I couldn’t agree more. It seems that every single dunk today requires a show. I like it when the player acts like they’ve done it before instead of making a single spectacle out of every play.
· Do we have Playstation Madden games to blame for all the showmanship?
· I like the playoffs – it becomes so much more about the team & less about the individual. It doesn’t matter which sport or level – NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, MLS, College – it becomes about the team. That’s when I love team sports. The playoffs are at such a different level. Love the playoffs.
· If you think it’s tough being a fan in Ohio, you need to look at the state of Washington. I know the Browns & Bengals are terrible and the Buckeyes lost a BCS game – AGAIN. But check out the performance of Washington teams – Mariners had a 101 loss season, Washington University went winless. Washington State won only 2 game –1 was vs. Washington, the NBA Sonics have left the city and are now the Oklahoma City Thunder, the Seahawks had high expectation & finished 4-12. Oh yeah & it rains almost every day of the year.
· You could also live in michigan – home of the highly successful 2008 college football wolverines and the even better Detroit Lions. Oh yeah & they aren’t selling any cars either.
· Ohio has it’s tough parts, but it’s not all bad. The Cavs are finally winning, the Indians have some promise and the Buckeyes have double digit wins for many years in football, & are a couple of years removed from playing for both a basketball & football title in the same year.
· The Columbus BlueJackets deserve some props. They are winning despite having up to seven of their expected regulars being injured at a time. They have a rookie goaltender that is setting the world on fire and just celebrated a hat trick from a player that has only played 6 NHL games. There is some great young talent on this team. Stay tuned.
· I have been a subscriber to Sports Illustrated for many years. One of my favorite parts of the magazine is the photos in the 1st few pages. They are always striking. Case in point is the overhead shot from this year’s Rose Bowl in the Jan 12th issue. Takes your breath away. I once had a friend that dreamed of being an SI photographer. Still root for him to fulfill his dream. I could see how being a photographer at this level would be amazing.
· It’s been 30 years since the famous Woody Hayes punch of a Clemson player in the 1978 Gator Bowl. I still wish Woody’s legacy would have not included this incident. Too great of a man that has had too great of an impact on people.
· I don’t like Florida Gator football. Am I jealous? Yes. Tebow is returning, they have more speed than most if not all others, their recruiting continues at the highest of levels and they have a coach with a highly imaginative, fun offense to watch. All the things you want in a program. They have it going & I don’t like it.
· Coaching college basketball is a blast. Love it, love it, love it……


JBlunt said...

From Kurt Fulmer

I agree with the showmanship and the worst sport is football, however it seems like the true greats never needed that to show how great they are. RB Walter Payton, Jim Brown, Barry Sanders, Emmitt Smith, QB Joe Montanna, Jonny U, Payton Manning, Brett Farve, Marino. WR and this is cause for most of the issues but how about these names. Rice, Swan, Newsome tight end but should be there. Marvin Harrison, the Duper, Clayton tandom. Windslow Sr., Tim Brown, Chris Carter, I'm sure there are many more in each category but you get where i'm going with this. The true greats don't need it to show they are great. I tried to spread out over the years because I don't think this is the modern day Madden era that is the cause, however it has gotten worse. Madden takes the demonstrations they already do and just put it on the game.

Every sport is better in the playoffs and College football just needs to face the facts and come up with a playoff system. Stop bitchin about why it can't be done and do it. It most definitely can be done and we will forget all about the BCS after one year of a playoff system.

Thanks for making me feel better about being an OHIO fan. I for one love the Buckeyes and while being disappointed about not finishing off the seasons as of late, I don't think like some that Tressel should be fired. This has been some of the best years to be a Buckeye and we have seen some of the most incredible football seasons. Do people forget the Cooper Era? Our program is strong and I for one will take the disappointment because if you keep getting the opportunity we will eventually get our share of wins. Crushing Mich. every year never gets old and playing the best teams in the country in the biggest bowl games never gets old either. I will take this because I remember what the alternative was. Earl and John, Do you remember?

Your comment on Woody is right on point and I am going to defer to my earlier comment about Tress because when he is gone the same is going to be said for him. Tress has great impact on people, he builds successful people and not just players. They graduate and he brought back some real legitimacy to a program that was eroding before his arrival.

I hate Florida as well and how can you not be Jealous? You have to respect what they have done and if Tebow was on your team you would love him and how he plays. Its a shame he won't make it as a QB in the NFL but I can't see how some team won't be able to use his abilities in a way that he will be successful at the next level. He could be a knock out strong safety. Teach that boy to tackle and look out.

JBlunt said...

From J Van Sloun

A few years ago my wife and I met a Sports Illustrated photographer at a Red Wings game. He had several photos published in the first few pages. He said the key is to get the players faces and especially their eyes. Since then every week when I look at those photos I look for the faces and the eyes. It is amazing what they show.

JBlunt said...

From C Blunt

Shifting the blame to ESPN removes the onus of personal responsibility on the athletes themselves.

JBlunt said...

From J Tackett

ESPN is to blame for the showmanship. Tell me the last time you saw a good 15 foot jumper or a great defensive play on the highlights