Friday, November 28, 2008

From South Bend

* I'm currently in South Bend, IN. I'm an assistant coach for the women's basketball team at Otterbein College. We play at St. Mary's College tomorrow - it's the sister school of Notre Dame. I'm not an Irish fan, but there is something very cool about this town. It's good for college football for Notre Dame to have a great program. I hope they start to get it together again. I know as a Buckeye fan it was fun to play (and win) the 3 games that we played a few years back.

* College football is now played almost every day. First, there were Thursday night games. Then they decided to play games on the sacred high school Friday night. Now we have games on Thanksgiving (they're invading the pro spot). The smaller conferences will do anything for TV time. The MAC, the WAC, and every other mid-major is finding their way to the alternate times.

* One trend that I love is the prime-time Saturday night game. It's great to cap off a great day of watching college football with a marquee matchup on Saturday night. There have been some great ones this year. The atmosphere of these stadiums definitely picks up at night.

* This Marbury saga makes me sick. Imagine if you were making millions of GUARANTEED money & you told your boss that you were going to do your job. You would be fired.

* Practice? Practice? who needs to practice? I really can't believe a smart guy like Joe Dumars traded for Allen Iverson. Did he really think that Allen had changed? The Pistons will regret this move this year. I'm happy - I think it makes the road for the Cavs a little easier.

* I love getting together for the holidays. Yea my kids argue & fight from time to time. But I love em and there's nothing better to me than having them around.

* That being said - I'm amazed with some of the mean things that people can say & do to people that they care about. I'm guilty myself. When I stop & think about how I sometimes treat people that I love, it's ridiculous. Sometimes I treat total strangers nicer than family and friends. It's dumb.

* There's so much to be thankful for. As I get older, I definitely become more appreciative of the great people that I've had the opportunity to meet and have fun with.

* Why is every good movie that Adam Sandler, Jim Carrey & Will Ferrill are in they play the exact same character? I remember Will Ferrill's attempt to do something different (Stranger Than Fiction) and how terrible it was. Same for Jim Carrey (The Number 23). Jim Carrey's new movie (The Yes Man) is the same movie he starred in several years ago (Liar, Liar).

* I will never understand the thrill of Black Friday. But, I do understand the thrill of shopping on Dec. 24th.

* I'm a Donovan McNabb fan. Glad he turned it around yesterday. I don't like the way he's treated in Philly. I'd love to have him in Minnesota. You put a good quarterback in Minnesota I think they might be playing for all the marbles. I want that just once in my lifetime.

* The OSU Men hoops team has a long way to go. I like the way they look - tall, long & athletic. But they have a long way to go. I'm interested to see how they get better thru the course of the year.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Friend

Around the corner I have a friend,
In this great city that has no end,
Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
And before I know it, a year is gone.

And I never see my old friends face,
For life is a swift and terrible race,
He knows I like him just as well,
As in the days when I rang his bell.

And he rang mine but we were younger then,
And now we are busy, tired men.
Tired of playing a foolish game,
Tired of trying to make a name.

'Tomorrow' I say! 'I will call on Jim
Just to show that I'm thinking of him.'
But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,
And distance between us grows and grows.

Around the corner, yet miles away,
'Here's a telegram sir,' 'Jim died today.'
And that's what we get and deserve in the end.
Around the corner, a vanished friend.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's michigan Week

* It’s michigan Week. Wow – doesn’t seem to have the luster that it usually does these days. There’s part of me that semi-roots for michigan just so The Game is big – no, there’s really no part of me that roots for michigan . This season has been so fun. They have broken so many records this year – losing 8 games, losing to a MAC school at home, not going to a bowl.

* Adding insult to injury – michigan ’s qb is doubtful for The Game. Quick – name michigan ’s quarterback. I couldn’t either. His name is Steven Threet. Just think of the last time you couldn’t name michigan ’s quarterback before The Game. Henne, Brady, Collins, Henson and…….Threet? Yes, it’s that bad.

* Just think their qb could have been Pryor. No that’s right he’s a Buckeye.

* I read a quote the other day that gave me a great feeling about baseball – David Price, rookie Rays pitcher, on how he coped with the pressure of closing out Game 7 of the ALCS – “In my mind, I was playing catch with my dad.” I’ve got a tear in my eye. That’s why I love sports.

* Then I have to read about a $140 MILLION dollar 6 year contract being offered to CC Sabathia by the Yankees. That’s why I struggle with sports. We have people getting laid off, housing values plummeting, government buyouts, etc… and we have sports continuing to act irresponsible. There will come a day when the fans show up less.

* The Jackets are finally putting a winner on the ice & the attendance is the lowest it’s ever been. Yeah- I know it’s hockey & that it’s not one of the big 3, but it’s a sign to me that the economy is playing a role in sports. Just ask the soon to be laid off many from the world of NASCAR.

* Did it occur to anyone that the biggest free agents in baseball are former Indians – CC & Manny?

* AC/DC has sold out its upcoming Columbus concert. The singer Brian Johnson is 61 years old, Angus & Malcolm are in their late 50’s – and they are selling out large concert venues. I challenge anyone to tell me which of today’s fresh acts will be selling out concert halls when they are in their late 50s. Can’t think of anyone.

* Hoops have started. This is one of my favorite times of the year. All of the hard work in the gym starting to be seen on the court. The Buckeyes men are tall & long – one of the biggest teams I’ve seen. Just think if they still had Koufas (who isn’t doing bad with the Utah Jazz).

* The BCS poll is fairly well balanced – 2 SEC, 3 Big 12, 1 PAC 10, 2 BIG 10, along with Utah , Boise St . This is close to how it is every year at the end of the year as the conference plays out their games.

* I’ve attached a great hockey photo that was sent to me by a friend. This is one of the funniest signs that I’ve seen.

* Did Donovan McNabb really not understand the NFL overtime rules?

* One last thought from the world of business – I recently read a book by Marcus Buckingham on the importance of focusing on your strengths. It is his belief, that by focusing on improving your strengths (& not focusing on improving your weaknesses) that you create the most value for you & your company. The interesting part is how he defines strengths & weakness. The more I think about this the more I agree. Interesting reading.
* Strength – anything that when you think about doing it, are actually doing it or after doing it that makes you feel stronger.
* Weakness – the opposite – anything that weakens you.